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Wireless Airspace Defense for
Gaming & Hospitality

80% of new IoT deployments are wireless, therefore, wireless is the new network and new attack surface.
Ensure the integrity, security, and reliability of your wireless connections.

Protect your brand, property, and customers with passive IoT security monitoring of the air-space. Detect, assess, and prevent threats against customer data & privacy exploitation and eliminate compliance/regulatory fines.

AirShield for Gaming & Hospitality

AirShield protects your organization from wireless and IoT wireless threats using wireless deep packet inspection, situational awareness, Zero Trust, anomaly detection, and behavioral analysis.

loch-dotsData Loss Protection and Protection Against Breaches

loch-dotsAsset Configuration Management and Security Posture Monitoring

loch-dotsRemote Wireless Performance and Troubleshooting Alerting

loch-dotsRisk Management and Compliance including PCI, HIPAAA and NIST

loch-dotsAsset Visibility and Classification

loch-dotsAttack Detection and Zero Trust Policy Violations

loch-dotsThreat Mitigation through Air Isolation and Deceptive Networking

loch-dotsIncident Response and Forensics through DVR-like Capabilities

Solution Benefits for Gaming & Hospitality

AirShield, built on the next generation Wireless Machine Vision platform, provides broad-spectrum IoT wireless, CBRS and cellular security visibility across all types of hospitality and gaming environments to stave off liability from malicious malware and other IoT attacks like spy cameras and rogue cell towers. Here’s how we help deliver intrinsic value with AirShield:


  • Asset Visibility and device classification
  • Continuous IoT security


  • Monitoring of environment
  • Stop wireless attacks in the path with real time CPE notifications


  • Monitoring of environment
  • Stop wireless attacks in the path with real time CPE notifications

Zero Trust policy enforcement and alert notifications for violations

  • Zero Trust Policy enforcement and alert notification for violations
  • Stop wireless attacks in the path with real time CPE notifications



Solutions For Gaming &


Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 8.30.00 AM
The sheer volume of
IoT into the hospitality
environment has
created the world’s
largest attack surface.

The Smart Casino White


Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 8.30.08 AM
Adapt or die. Casinos
who embrace change
and as a competitive
catalyst for growth can
survive and indeed

The Smart Casino CIO

and CISO Check List

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 8.30.16 AM
Use this checklist to
chart the maturity of
your current Smart
Casino efforts and
prepare for growth in a
changing landscape.

AirShield – Eliminate the Security Blind Spot.


Invisible Threats. Visible Protection.

Make AirShield part of your critical security decision making and protect against the invisible RF espionage threat.


The sheer volume of IoT into the hospitality environment has created the world’s largest attack surface. Protect your enterprise business against misconfigurations, Shadow IoT, and unknown and unsecured IoT devices with the LOCH Wireless Machine Vision platform.

Deploy and Scale Easily

With 80% of IoT wireless, wireless is now the new access layer and new attack surface. Yet most organizations still rely on wired-centric security approaches to detect and assess risk. With LOCH Wireless Machine Vision, you can better understand and prepare for this new threat landscape.

Zero Trust policy enforcement and alert notifications for violations

Take a proactive stance on IoT security with compressive asset discovery and visibility, risk analysis and mitigation, and event detection and response. Moreover, accurately quantify wireless and IoT risks — prior to loss or incident occurring. The LOCH Wireless Machine Vision platform follows the industry’s best security practices.

Looking to eliminate threats to your hospitality business?