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Wireless Airspace Defense and Autonomic Cyber Security




What is Autonomic Cyber Security (ACS)?

Autonomic Cyber Security is an advanced cybersecurity framework designed to automatically detect, respond to, and mitigate cyber threats in real time through leveraging AI and machine learning.
ACS aims to provide a self-managing security environment that adapts to evolving threats without human intervention.

What is Wireless Airspace Defense?

Wireless Airspace Defense is a comprehensive security platform designed to protect wireless networks and devices from unauthorized or malicious activities.
This system leverages advanced technologies like software-defined radios (SDRs), AI, and machine learning to provide real-time threat detection, monitoring, and response before a loss or incident occurs.

Autonomic Cybersecurity

Wireless Airspace Defense

Real-Time Threat Detection

ACS continuously monitors data traffic and system behaviors to identify potential AI threats and anomalies as they occur.
Utilizes AI and machine learning to analyze any data set to detect anomalies that may indicate an insider or external cyber attack.

Real-Time Threat Detection

LOCH’s Wireless Airspace Defense platform uses SDRs to continuously monitor wireless signals, allowing for immediate detection and response to threats such as unauthorized transmissions, jamming, and signal spoofing.

Automated Response

Upon detecting a threat, ACS can automatically initiate predefined response actions to mitigate the impact, such as isolating affected systems or blocking malicious traffic.
Reduces the need for manual intervention, allowing for faster and more efficient threat response.

Comprehensive RF Monitoring

Wireless Airspace Defense provides visibility across all wireless devices and frequencies within an environment, regardless of their protocol or connection type, helping eliminate blind spots that attackers might exploit.


ACS is designed to scale with the needs of the organization, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
Can handle increasing amounts of data and growing numbers of connected devices without compromising performance

Non-Intrusive Monitoring

Wireless Airspace Defense employs passive monitoring techniques, ensuring no interference with network operations while enforcing security policies.

Adaptive Learning

ACS learns from past incidents and continuously improves its threat detection and response capabilities.
Can adapt to new and emerging threats without requiring manual updates or reconfigurations.

Enhanced Situational Awareness

By continuously scanning the wireless environment, the system provides detailed situational awareness, helping to identify potential security breaches and vulnerabilities.

Minimizing Human Error

By automating threat detection and response, ACS reduces the likelihood of human error, which is often a significant factor in security breaches.
Ensures consistent application of security policies and procedures.

Broad-Spectrum Security

Wireless Airspace Defense covers a wide range of frequencies, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LPWAN, Private LTE, and 5G, CBRS, EMI ensuring comprehensive protection across various communication protocols.

Data-Driven Anomaly Detection
Enforce what you expect
Built to address the unique needs of OT and ICS environments, LOCH’s NetShield for ACS – Autonomic Cyber Security protects critical assets from tampered data, AI/ML data poisoning,  insider threats, and external attacks from wireless.

Cross-Domain Protection

The AirShield and NetShield integration offers protection across various domains – land, sea, air, and cyberspace – providing a holistic security approach.

Real-Time Decisions

ACS allows for faster and more accurate decision-making processes, critical for both defense and operational scenarios

Seamless Communication

Secure and reliable wireless threat intelligence in maintaining real-time command and control, crucial for both unmanned and manned systems

Predictive Analysis

ACS AI/ML algorithms can predict and mitigate threats proactively, enhancing the resilience of autonomous systems.

Autonomous Coordination

Unmanned and manned systems can operate cohesively, leveraging AI/ML for coordinated defense strategies.

Adaptive Learning

Ability of the system to learn and adapt to new threats autonomously, providing continuous protection without human intervention

Enhanced Surveillance

Enhanced surveillance capabilities due to the ACS integration of self - protection and wireless airspace defense, enabling comprehensive monitoring and threat detection

"Autonomic Cyber Security (ACS) from LOCH Technologies, powered by Data Detection and Response (DDR), enables organizations to securely manage the increasing interconnected systems and combat threats to ensure safety, availability, reliability, and resilience. This comprehensive and coordinated approach guarantees security across the entire cyber-physical risk spectrum, including IT, OT, IoT, IIoT, and physical environments."

-Professor and Director of the NSF Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing, Salim Harini, University of Arizona


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