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Unlock the Power of Autonomic Cyber Security (ACS): Protecting IT, IIoT and OT Environments

Data-Driven Anomaly Detection

Autonomic Cyber Security: Self-Protecting Shield Against AI Cyber Threats

Autonomic Cyber Security (ACS) operates similarly to the human immune system by providing self-protection with minimal or complete absence of user involvement.

It constantly monitors, analyzes, and mitigates anomalous behaviors triggered by attacks, whether known or unknown (for zero-day protection), regardless of location (insider or outsider threats) or cause (natural or malicious).  

Its independence allows it to operate without user involvement.

The accelerated adoption of digital transformation, with a connected-everything approach, has created another potential target for cyberattacks. IT systems and ICS/OT systems are no longer separate entities, and using different cybersecurity tools for each system is no longer enough to ensure comprehensive protection.

"Autonomic Cyber Security (ACS) from LOCH Technologies, powered by Data Detection and Response (DDR), enables organizations to securely manage the increasing interconnected systems and combat threats to ensure safety, availability, reliability, and resilience. This comprehensive and coordinated approach guarantees security across the entire cyber-physical risk spectrum, including IT, OT, IoT, IIoT, and physical environments.”

- Professor and Director of the NSF Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing, Salim Harini, University of Arizona.

Cybersecurity Challenges in Converged IT and OT Environments:
Bridging the Gap for Comprehensive Protection


Digital Transformation Impact

Convergence of IT and OT

Inadequacy of Disparate Tools

Integrated Solutions

Risk of Cyber Incidents

Specialized Security Measures

Risk of Cyber Incidents

NetShield:  Predictive Anomaly Detection You Can Trust to Protect Your Operational Environment


ML driven Anomaly Detection Methodology by predicting ‘datasets’

Anomalies Detected to thwart zero-day attacks & threats across
  • Sensors Behavior
  • Network Protocol Analysis
  • Identity & Access Validations
  • Network Behavior
  • Applications Behavior
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ACS Whitepaper

Unlock the Power of Autonomic Cybersecurity (ACS)

Key Benefits of AI/ML  Self-Protection Autonomic Cyber Security

AI / ML Self-Protection

It functions autonomously, much like the human immune system, providing continuous protection without requiring constant user intervention. This is beneficial as it reduces the burden on users and IT staff to manually detect and respond to threats.

Constant Monitoring and Analysis

It continuously monitors and analyzes activities within the network or system. This proactive approach helps in the early detection of anomalous behaviors that could indicate potential cyber threats.

Mitigation of Unknown Threats

It addresses both known and unknown threats, including zero-day attacks. This capability is crucial in today's evolving threat landscape where new vulnerabilities and attack methods constantly emerge.

Versatility in Threat Handling

It responds to threats regardless of their origin (insider or outsider) or nature (natural or malicious). This versatility ensures comprehensive protection against a wide range of cyber threats.

Independence from User Involvement

Its ability to operate independently from user actions means that it can function effectively even in scenarios where users may not be actively engaged or aware of potential threats.

Advanced AI/ML

Autonomic Cyber Security aims to provide robust, automated, and efficient protection against cyber threats, enhancing overall security posture while minimizing the need for continuous human oversight and intervention.

Customer Use Cases

Feature Advantage Benefit
Anomaly Behavior Analysis (ABA) of Sensor/Actuator, Applications, Protocols, Users, network and computer resources
It is based on using AI/ML algorithm to characterize normal behavior that is available
Ability to detect any type of attacks known or unknown. It can be applied to detect accidents/failures that can be trigged by natural or malicious causes
Automated Attack Type Identification
It eliminates the manual intensive effort to identify the attack type, and prioritize the response to the attack
It can promptly respond to detected attacks to stop them and mitigate their impacts on normal operations
Autonomic Incident Response based on Attack Ontology
It provides automated approach to characterize the properties of the detected attacks, methods used, vulnerability exploited, and many other relevant properties
It provides automated/semi-automated methodology to apply best-practices to response to detected attacks with little or no involvement of users or system administrators
Ready to protect using ACS?
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Unmanned Maritime

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Unmanned Surface & Underwater


Airline Command & Control

About LOCH Technologies

LOCH Technologies, Inc. is a global leader in innovative threat monitoring, detection, and mitigation.

Our cutting-edge ACS solution deliver actionable intelligence on every Device, Network, or Thing, empowering organizations to enhance their security posture and eliminate risk.

At LOCH, our mission is to secure and enable the new world of innovation driving the next generation of digital transformation. We are committed to protecting the digital ecosystem, ensuring a safer and more resilient future for businesses and communities worldwide.

Ready to use ACS to secure your organization?