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AirShield GPS Canary
Safeguarding the Global Positioning System:
Mitigating Risks and Threats to GPS Reliability
Exposing the vulnerable attack surface of GPS systems
The reliance on GPS (Global Position Satellite) in mission-critical operations underscores the importance of understanding and mitigating the associated risks and threats. Critical Infrastructure such as Airports and Seaports must take a proactive approach to safeguard critical functions to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations.
Understanding the risks and threats associated with GPS within mission-critical infrastructure services is crucial. Both Airports and Seaports rely heavily on GPS technology for various essential functions and any disruption or compromise of GPS signals can have serious consequences.

Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure:

Essential Measures to Mitigate Risks and Threats

Implement redundant navigation and communication systems to ensure continued operations even during GPS disruptions.

Develop and test emergency response plans that account for potential GPS disruptions.

Employ security measures to protect against jamming, spoofing, and cyber threats. Regularly update and patch GPS equipment and systems.

Use monitoring and detection systems to promptly identify any interference or anomalies in GPS signals.

Train personnel to recognize and respond to GPS-related issues effectively.

Ensure compliance with aviation and cybersecurity regulations related to GPS use.

Understanding the GPS Attack Surface



This involves the use of devices that emit signals at the same frequencies used by GPS satellites, effectively drowning out the real signals. This can disrupt all systems relying on GPS for navigation and timing.



More sophisticated than jamming, spoofing involves generating fake GPS signals that are mistaken for genuine signals. This can mislead GPS receivers about their actual location or time.


Signal Blocking

Physical obstacles like tall buildings or natural terrain features can block or reflect GPS signals, causing inaccuracies or loss of service.

Cyber Attacks

Since GPS systems are integrated with networked technologies, they are vulnerable to cyber threats that can affect data integrity and availability.

Looking to secure your business from GPS threats? View our guide.

Wireless Airspace Defense:

The Key to Combating GPS Threats 

AirShield GPS Canary key features:

Monitor L1/L1S GNSS Constellations

Monitor the quality of decoding L1/L1S GNSS Constellations for GPS, QZSS, GLONAS, BeiDou, Galileo, SBAS

Deviation Monitoring

Identify variations in decoded signal content such as location calculation and time shifts performed by Spoofing and Meaconing attacks.

State Changes Monitoring

Monitor for changes in signal state: Quality, loss of signal, spoofing and meaconing

Epoch-Based Events

Events are epoch-based providing a history of observations across multiple deployed GPS Canaries using LOCH's cloud-based dashboard, accessible anywhere

Dashboard of Canary Health

Each GPS Canary reports to LOCH's cloud environment providing a rich history of its health
across time. Detect variations in reception quality to narrow impacted locations and time of events that impact operations.

GPS Canary Web

GPS Event Logging

GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard
GPS Canary Dashboard

LOCH AirShield GPS Canary Capabilities


Test Methodology




Enhanced Functionality

Zero Trust Enforcements

Looking to secure your business from GPS threats?

Download our Ultimate Guide to Wireless Airspace Defense