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AirGuard Wireless SOC

Stay One Step Ahead:
Actively Hunt and Terminate Cyber Attacks Before They Impact Your Business

AirGuard: Wireless SOCaas

IT Security teams are already overwhelmed today.

Geographically dispersed IT operations, hybrid and multi-cloud environments, prolific use of SaaS applications and a growing use of IoT/OT devices are generating thousands of security alerts per day.

This leads to fatigue in lack of efficiency when triaging incidents leaving the organization exposed to threats and vulnerabilities.

With over 80% of IoT/OT deployments being wireless, wireless is the new network and new attack surface.

This new wireless security blind spot is further exacerbated when communications are beyond WiFi & Bluetooth using broad spectrum RF, cellular 4G/5G or private/public LTE networks.

The State of Cybersecurity

315 Days

Average time to identify and contain a malicious breach


Average cost of a presumed state-sponsored breach


of cyber attacks targeting weak links in wireless infrastructure

Want to see what AirGuard can do for you?

AirGuard Features

AirGuard Values


WiFi AP Testing

WLAN Integration

Operational Integrations

Robust API

Wireless Communications

Dedicated Team

RFML-Driven Thresholds

Collaborative Alerts

Alert Automation

Detection & Response

Risk Isolation & Mitigation

24x7 Monitoring

Cybersecurity SOC Challenges Today:

Too many tools and alerts

Lack of skill-set with insufficient resources

Alert and alarm fatigue

Alert desensitization leading to errors

AirGuard Guarantee


Continuous Visibility

Continuous cellular IoT visibility of wireless devices with DVR capabilities


24x7 Monitoring

24x7 monitoring with priority alert handling


Wireless Experts

Wireless experts as an extension of your networking and security teams

On-site Services

On-site services are available for heat-mapping, installations, and upgrades

AirGuard Wireless SOC Services provides:

Procurement, installation and replacement of network infrastructure

Manage and monitor wireless equipment
Multi-vendor API driven asset and event data correlation for real time analytics

AirShield protection for broad-spectrum IoT deployments (100MHz to 6GHz) air space protection

bigger flipped airguard

Wireless Security Operations as a Service

24×7 monitoring, management and maintenance of all wireless devices connected via 802.11 WiFi, Bluetooth, 802.15.4 and other Broad Spectrum RF, cellular 4G/5G or private/public LTE technologies.




Sales Partners

The Support You Need To Successfully Deploy Solutions From LOCH Technologies


Technology Partners

The Integrations That Make Successful Deployments Possible.

Interested in uncovering wireless threats to your organization?