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Strengthening National Security with LOCH AirShield Wireless Airspace Defense and ACS - Autonomic Cybersecurity: Mitigating the Risks of Chinese Maritime Cranes

Sep 19, 2024 |


Recent warnings from the U.S. House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party about Chinese maritime cranes installed at U.S. ports raise alarm bells regarding national security risks. These cranes, made by the Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co. Ltd. (ZPMC), are equipped with hidden cellular modems that provide an unauthorized backdoor for remote access. This vulnerability poses a serious threat to the integrity of critical port operations and logistics infrastructure across the country.

While there have been no known breaches to date, the risk is clear. Ports are a vital component of national security and the economy. The presence of unrequested, hidden modems in critical infrastructure equipment means that foreign state actors could have the potential to remotely collect sensitive data or disrupt operations. With China's "Going Out" strategy extending its influence into global ports and logistics, this issue cannot be taken lightly.


Enter LOCH AirShield Wireless Airspace Defense and LOCH ACS (Autonomic Cybersecurity System)

LOCH's AirShield Wireless Airspace Defense system is designed to address vulnerabilities like those found in ZPMC cranes. AirShield provides real-time monitoring, detection, and mitigation of unauthorized wireless activities, ensuring a secure and controlled wireless airspace for critical infrastructure, including ports. With the increasing reliance on IoT devices and wireless communications in operations, AirShield's proactive defense against wireless intrusions has never been more crucial.


How AirShield Solves the Problem:

  1. Real-Time Wireless Threat Detection: AirShield continuously monitors wireless traffic, detecting hidden modems, Cellular, Bluetooth, GPS, and other wireless signals that may pose a threat to port security.
  2. Mitigation of Unauthorized Access: The system immediately identifies and neutralizes unauthorized wireless access points that could lead to data exfiltration or operational disruption.
  3. Compliance with Federal Security Standards: AirShield ensures that port authorities remain compliant with cybersecurity regulations, protecting against vulnerabilities that may not be explicitly addressed in vendor contracts.


LOCH ACS: Autonomic Cybersecurity System for Advanced Threat Detection and Response

LOCH’s Autonomic Cybersecurity System (ACS) is an advanced Data Detection and Response (DDR) platform, specifically designed to safeguard operational technology (OT) and industrial control systems (ICS). As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, critical infrastructure requires an adaptable security solution that can autonomously detect, respond to, and neutralize potential risks—without human intervention. LOCH’s ACS NetShield provides this level of protection, ensuring continuous defense in high-stakes environments where system downtime or data compromise is not an option.

Key Features of LOCH ACS (NetShield) for OT/ICS:Sensor-BAU

  1. Real-Time Anomaly Detection: LOCH ACS continuously monitors data traffic within OT and ICS environments, identifying anomalies that indicate tampering, AI/ML data poisoning, or unauthorized access.
  2. AI/ML-Driven Threat Response: Using advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, ACS autonomously responds to threats by neutralizing vulnerabilities, ensuring real-time mitigation of risks without requiring human oversight.
  3. Protection from Insider and External Threats: LOCH’s ACS NetShield safeguards critical assets from internal actors attempting to manipulate data, as well as external attacks, including those originating from wireless systems, creating a holistic security perimeter.
  4. Mitigation of Data Poisoning Attacks: In environments reliant on AI/ML, data poisoning is a serious threat. LOCH ACS detects corrupted or maliciously altered data streams that aim to undermine machine learning models, ensuring data integrity remains intact.


Built for OT/ICS Environments:

LOCH ACS is uniquely suited to operational technology and industrial control systems, where security breaches could lead to catastrophic operational disruptions. By focusing on data integrity and tampered data detection, ACS provides real-time DDR that responds to threats instantly, protecting critical infrastructure like manufacturing plants, utilities, and transportation systems.


Integration with LOCH AirShield:

LOCH’s AirShield Wireless Airspace Defense complements ACS by safeguarding the wireless perimeter from unauthorized access. Together, AirShield and ACS form a comprehensive defense strategy that covers both wired and wireless networks, ensuring seamless security for critical environments.


Why Choose LOCH ACS?

  • Autonomous Security: Automatically detects and responds to threats without the need for constant monitoring.
  • Advanced Data Integrity Protection: Prevents AI/ML data poisoning and other forms of data tampering.
  • Zero Downtime: Keeps critical systems operational by mitigating threats in real-time.
  • Tailored for Critical Infrastructure: Designed for the unique challenges of OT and ICS environments, where security and operational continuity are paramount.


Protect Critical Data with LOCH ACS NetShield

In today's evolving threat landscape, securing both wired and wireless networks is crucial to safeguarding critical assets. LOCH ACS (NetShield) provides the most advanced autonomic cybersecurity framework to protect your OT and ICS environments from data tampering, insider threats, and external attacks.

Contact us today to learn more about how LOCH can secure your critical infrastructure and maintain the integrity of your data in real time. Book time here with Founder/CEO to learn more.

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